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GEOSeries Episode 2 - Satellite Imagery Saving Lives in Conflict Zones

From locating and disarming landmines to combating illegal mining, monitoring armed conflict, mapping internally displaced populations and subsequent camps as well as tracking oil pollution affecting local citizen’s health and the surrounding environment, satellite imagery can provide real-time insights that can help to save lives and increase citizen safety.

Providing timely and objective data at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, the technology is able to access inaccessible terrains to support humanitarian teams to monitor and verify conflict zones in order to support and aid complex emergencies. In terms of peace and security, VHR satellite imagery is being used in conflict areas to aid refugee relief operations, assess contravention in human rights, as evidence for verifying international laws and treaties violations and assessing environmental impacts exacerbated by conflict.

Join European Space Imaging in a thought-provoking discussion with panel members Josh Lyons, Human Rights Watch, Wendi Pedersen, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and Wim Zwijnenburg, PAX for Peace covering all aspects of how satellite imagery saves lives in conflict zones.

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The Successful Launch of Maxar’s WorldView Legion and the Impact on European EO Applications

The first four long awaited WorldView Legion Satellites are now orbiting Earth. What does this mean for space-based remote sensing projects around Europe? In this webinar, EUSI is joined by representatives from Maxar Technologies. We discuss the unique technology within these satellites and how this significant increase in capacity of 8-band multispectral 30 cm class imagery is already poised to impact ongoing projects and increased demand across all sectors including Large Area Mapping, Security, Emergency Response, Agriculture and Research/Education.

MGP Pro Demonstration

Instant access to VHR satellite imagery via web or API. European Space Imaging recently recorded