Civil Mapping: Three Case Studies From Germany

Several land-surveying authorities from Germany finished large-scale mapping projects using very high resolution satellite images in 2024. These were the challenges, solutions and results. 

Filling in aerial imagery gaps for updating land parcels in Southern Germany

In autumn 2024, we finished a mapping project for a land surveying authority in Southern Germany. The authority usually uses aerial imagery for updating the LPIS, but because of the unpredictable weather conditions in 2024, the aircraft was able to fly only part of the planned time. To quickly finish the project before snow cover, they looked to fill in the gaps with Very High Resolution satellite imagery. 


The decision to use satellite imagery was made in the last quarter of 2024, and the weather conditions were challenging. This would require all possible flexibility from EUSI to finalise the collections. 


We implemented the Intelligent Collection Planning process, a solution that combines advanced planning software with human interventions. The automated system suggested collections and an expert from EUSI reviewed them every 15 minutes and made adjustments to optimise them.  

Thanks to this, we were able to collect the whole area cloud-free and snow-free, at 30 cm HD resolution, under a tight timeline. The imagery was delivered with 4 multispectral bands (blue, green, red, and NIR1). 

30 cm satellite image with clearly visible trees, road markings and agricultural fields

30 cm resolution satellite image | Satellite imagery © 2025 Maxar Technologies provided by European Space Imaging 


  • area of 6,588 km2 (across two separate AOIs) collected  
  • 13 satellite images  
  • 30 cm HD resolution (40–50 cm native) 
  • cloud-free and snow-free imagery 
  • 4 multispectral bands 

15 cm Dynamic Basemap of Hamburg, Germany

Urban areas require more granular data than rural coverages. That’s why a land surveying authority from the city-state of Hamburg requested fresh 15 cm imagery in September 2024. 


  • complete area of the city-state collected (755 km2) 
  • 15 cm resolution 
  • cloud-free imagery  
  • 4 multispectral bands 
  • colour-balanced mosaic 


To ensure a cost-effective solution, we used a mixture of recent archive imagery plus new collections to cover the AOI. All four images had 0% cloud cover and a native resolution of 30 cm, which was further enhanced to 15 cm HD. The basemap is a completely cloud-free colour-balanced mosaic with 4 multispectral bands, and was provided to the customer within one week. 

“Dynamic Basemap is a basemap with up to 15 cm resolution and 5 m CE90 spatial accuracy, including mosaicking, colour balancing and image processing. It can be used for extracting roads, buildings, and parcels, identifying land use, tracking change, producing maps with a high-quality foundational image layer, or providing a visual reference in applications.”

Benjamin Lieberknecht, Sales Manager at EUSI
Satellite map of Hamburg

Satellite mapping of Hamburg, Germany


  • colour-balanced mosaic of the whole area (755 km2) 
  • 15 cm resolution 
  • 0% cloud cover 
  • 5 m CE90 spatial accuracy 
  • 4 multispectral bands (blue, green, red, and NIR1) 
  • delivery within one week 


For a land surveying authority in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, we collected satellite imagery during vegetation period (April to September). The mapping agency received 4-band (B, G, R, NIR1) ortho-ready pansharpened imagery at 30 cm resolution. 

Satellite map of Schleswig-Holstein

Satellite mapping of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

In Northern Germany, clouds pose a significant challenge, and it’s essential to make the most out of cloud-free days. Notably, 60% of the area was captured in a single day using Maxar WorldView-3. Additionally, cloud patching was carried out on the imagery. As a result, the overall cloud cover was less than 10%. 

Technical specifications
Project dates
1. 4. – 30. 9. 2024
Ortho-ready standard 4 band pansharpened
30 cm HD (50 cm native)
Cloud cover
Atmospheric compensation
Spectral bands
Blue, green, red, NIR1

Do you want a feasibility study for your area of interest?

You can contact us to get more details on the coverage feasibility or any other information. A project manager specialising in large-area coverage can guide you through all the satellite imagery options available to complete your mapping project.

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