Satellite Imagery For

Agriculture &


Optimising Crops With Precision imagery

Evaluate vegetation health

Valuable multispectral bands allow in-depth analysis of plant and soil conditions

Study Land

VHR imagery gives you the power to map land use at wide scales with incredible detail and accuracy

Manage Food Security

Mapping crops and analysing harvests on regional scales ensures that agricultural goals are being maintained

There is a strong requirement for monitoring forests and crops in order to tackle the present challenges within agriculture and forestry. Near real-time monitoring is crucial to react to extreme events – such as climate conditions or pest infestations – and thus minimize their impact, while also optimising management practices – such as precision agriculture – in a sustainable manner.

Very High Resolution (VHR) optical satellite imagery can be an essential tool to respond to threats against agriculture and forestry as it offers a non-destructive mean of proving recurrent information from both a local and global scale. European Space Imaging has particularly excelled at large collections in challenging weather conditions. Europe has a diverse climate with many regions blanketed in clouds for much of the year. The unique real-time weather monitoring by our operations team has ensured success for the most demanding projects.

Considerations for Member States who continue to operate CwRS On-the-Spot-Checks after 2023

Learn how Europe’s most trusted imagery provider to the CAP’s CwRS and LPIS QA programmes now offers tailored solutions and guidance to member states.


We have been the major satellite imagery provider to the Controls with Remote Sensing (CwRS) for the European Commission / Joint Research Centre since 2004. During this time, our data was relied upon by the Commission to determine the requirements for field boundaries and accurately identify crop classifications. From 2023, the responsibility to operate CwRS On-the-Spot-Checks will fall to the Member States. Our products and expertise can assist you with:

  • Filling missing data gaps, particularly where small parcels (<0.2 ha) are concerned
  • Data can be used for the quality control of the Sentinel based Area Monitoring System
  • Cost effective and efficient solution to updating the national LPIS
  • Guidance with definition of imagery requirements
  • Feasibility studies to ensure that the imagery complies with JRC standards
  • Assurance of check methods


Very high resolution satellite imagery is detailed enough to show individual trees, which allows precise monitoring of forest and crop assets. It is ideal for:

  • Detecting illegal logging
  • Estimating the number of trees in a forest
  • Calculating carbon stocks
  • Identifying tree stress and pest infections
  • Supporting firefighting efforts
  • Protection of natural forests


We offer more spectral diversity and better spatial resolution than any other satellite imagery provider – allowing you to see more of what is actually happening on your land. A near-infrared (NIR) image like this one shows the healthy vegetation as red, and is sensitive enough to discriminate between types of plants, their stage of maturity, and changes in plant health before they are visible to the human eye. This enables:

  • Early warning of health problems
  • Data for calculating yield
  • Optimising harvest timing
  • Monitoring of weeds, insect pests, or diseases
  • Irrigation system planning and inspection
  • Managing water resources and soil quality

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VHR satellite images can be used in software utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically detect and analyse changes over time. This rapidly growing technology offers “off-the-shelf” solutions for a number of applications including:

  • Ensuring global food security
  • Extracting trends in plant health and productivity
  • Validating activity and compliance
  • Localizing inputs such as fertilizer
  • Smart and timely management decisions

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Download the Latest Edition of INCITE

Seeing Through the Trees: Monitoring Agriculture and Forestry Using Satellite Imagery

The definitive guide to acquiring and using satellite imagery in the agriculture & forestry industry.
