Instant access to VHR satellite imagery via web or API. European Space Imaging recently recorded a webinar in which they demonstrated all the functionality…
Image Library Billions of square kilometers worth of fresh and historical imagery with global coverage and daily updates, all wrapped into an easy web…
Satellite Imagery For Research & Education supporting innovation with the highest quality data Explore the Past Browse our archive with billions of square km…
DOUBLE SHot with Umbra Combined VHR Optical and SAR tasking provides a reliable solution for comprehensive insights, unaffected by weather conditions or daylight variations….

Architecture of ResNet34-UNet model

UNet architecture for semantic segmentation with ResNet34 as encoder or feature extraction part. ResNet34 is used as an encoder or feature extractor in the contracting path and the corresponding symmetric expanding path predicts the dense segmentation output.

Architecture of VGG16-UNet model

UNet architecture for semantic segmentation with VGG16 as the encoder or feature extractor. VGG16 is used as an encoder or feature extractor in the contracting path and the corresponding symmetric expanding path predicts the dense segmentation output.

Architecture of ResNet34-FCN model

In this model, ResNet34 is used for feature extraction and the FCN operation remains as is. The feature of ResNet architecture is exploited where just like VGG, as the number of filters double, the feature map size gets halved. This gives a similarity to VGG and ResNet architecture while supporting deeper architecture and addressing the issue of vanishing gradients while also being faster. The fully connected layer at the output of ResNet34 is not used and instead converted to fully convolutional layer by means of 1×1 convolution.

Architecture of VGG16-FCN model

In this model, VGG16 is used for feature extraction which also performs the function of an encoder. The fully connected layer of the VGG16 is not used and instead converted to fully convolutional layer by means of 1×1 convolution.