Satellite Imagery

Satellite Imagery

Since the launch of the first commercial VHR optical satellite, we have been a leader in providing the highest quality satellite imagery in the world. Whether your project requires historical imagery from the archive, a fresh collection over your area of interest or massive amounts of data ingestion, we can guide you to the perfect solution.

Since 2002, we have been a leader in providing the highest quality satellite imagery in the world. Whether your project requires historical imagery from the archive, a fresh collection over your area of interest, massive amounts of data ingestion, or even SAR and multispectral imagery, we can guide you to the perfect solution.

Discover a new perspective

True 30cm Resolution

When you need the clearest imagery in the world

Multi &

When you need insights beyond the naked eye

Multiple Daily

When you need constant monitoring     

True 30cm Resolution

When you need the clearest imagery in the world

Multi & Hyper

When you need insights beyond the naked eye

Multiple Daily

When you need constant monitoring     

Large-Scale Collection

When you need hundreds of sqkm in unprecedented detail

Find all of our imagery specifications here.

Image Library

Get instant access to the most comprehensive archive of VHR satellite imagery in the world. This powerful tool lets you search and filter billions of square kilometers of imagery, create AOI shapefiles and obtain all the info you need to order imagery seamlessly.

The intuitive interface features:

  • Global imagery coverage
  • Historical imagery dating to 1999
  • millions of sq. km added daily
  • Search and filters
  • Polygon tools
  • “Quick Look” preview images*

* Images in the library are not viewed at full resolution. For full resolution image streaming, please see SecureWatch

Satellite Tasking

Put the control in your own hands. When pre-existing imagery won’t work for your project, then you can take advantage tasking a satellite to take the image you need, when you need. 

With access to dozens of orbiting satellites from Maxar, our users get several opportunities every day to collect the perfect image.

Work personally with our team of experts for feasibilities studies and to specify:

  • Cloud cover thresholds
  • Off-nadir Angle
  • Priority levels
  • Collection time windows
Cone Map

Want To Try Before You Buy?

Download free samples to see the quality for yourself and how it fits into your workflow.


Combined VHR Optical and SAR tasking provides a reliable solution for comprehensive insights, unaffected by weather conditions or daylight variations. By utilizing a single tasking source for both datasets, it ensures synchronized collections, which help in eliminating data gaps during monitoring missions. This seamless integration allows for continuous and accurate observation, enhancing the overall quality of the data. Additionally, the inclusion of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology offers the advantage of penetrating clouds and capturing data in all weather conditions, providing deeper insights and complementing optical data for a more complete analysis.

15 cm HD

When your organisation’s business decisions require you to identify small features on the ground, an improved visual experience is key. True 30 cm resolution imagery has long been the industry leader in clarity. Now with innovative proprietary technology from Maxar applied to native 30 cm data, 15 cm HD imagery provides the next level of detail – enhancing manual and automated feature extraction efforts from satellite imagery.



When your organisation’s business decisions require you to identify small features on the ground, an improved visual experience is key. True 30 cm resolution imagery has long been the industry leader in clarity. Now with innovative proprietary technology from Maxar applied to native 30 cm data, 15 cm HD imagery provides the next level of detail – enhancing manual and automated feature extraction efforts from satellite imagery.



MGP Pro is the premier, cloud-based subscription platform for secure and timely access to Earth Intelligence. With a broad range of imagery and geospatial data products, MGP Pro provides unrivaled coverage, quality and flexibility. MGP Pro subscribers can access over 3 million square kilometers of daily image collections, plus more than 6 billion sq km of archived imagery at up to 30 cm resolution.

MGP pro Maxar screenshot


Through a strategic partnership with Umbra, European Space Imaging (EUSI) now offers the world’s highest quality space-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. With an ever-expanding range of scanning modes, SAR imagery is available in different sized footprints with resolutions as high as 25 cm. All weather tasking and delivery tailored for emergency and security applications means it’s a perfect option for coupling with VHR optical imagery to ensure you receive usable data at all hours regardless of weather.

SAR imagery Madrid, Spain - 16cm


Through a tactical collaboration with Pixxel, European Space Imaging (EUSI) now provides access to the world’s most advanced hyperspectral imagery, capturing information across up to 250 bands with 5-meter resolution and daily revisits. This partnership unlocks unparalleled capabilities for detecting features and materials in sectors such as agriculture, energy, mining, and forestry. Pixxel’s unique sensor features, combined with EUSI’s expertise in building insights and products, enable precise change detection and decision-making, setting a new benchmark for remote sensing applications.

Pixxel imagery

API Data Ingestion

For our high volume users we offer flexible API ordering and data ingestion framework. The European Space Imaging ordering API is a REST based interface enabling searching and ordering of the entire European Space Imaging and Maxar imagery archive. The system allows for the production of ortho-ready standard and orthorectified imagery, according to the specifications in the product guide.

API screenshot

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