Redefining low latency data, European Space Imaging (EUSI) offers Near Real-Time (NRT) satellite image delivery
Redefining low latency data, European Space Imaging (EUSI) offers Near Real-Time (NRT) satellite image delivery
Redefining low latency data, European Space Imaging (EUSI) offers Near Real-Time (NRT) satellite image delivery
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AI Chain from Geo4i
AI Chain from Geo4i The AI Chain from Geo4i is a GEOINT & IMINT API environment for the automatic detection of generic objects in satellite images. The product can be integrated into GeoSpace and is based on TensorFlow, tailored to fit D&I needs. The training set is generated by the
Aleph-1 Constellation
The Aleph-1 constellation from Satellogic offers European Space Imaging customers the “sweet spot” of collecting data with enough clarity to extract meaningful insights at a revisit frequency and cost that is competitive within the industry. The total constellation of 300 planned satellites delivers sub-meter multispectral and 25 m hyperspectral imagery
Amatrice, Italy, Before and After the Quake
On hearing about the earthquake early this morning European Space Imaging’s satellite tasking operations team managed to collect the first satellite image of the damage at 10:21 am (UTC). If you compare it to the high-resolution satellite image taken on the 9th August 2010 you can clearly see the effects
Another year delivering 100% success rate to the European Commission’s CwRS Programme for European Space Imaging
Despite the challenges incurred from COVID-19 in 2020, European Space Imaging has once again finalised the collection of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery for the European Commission as part of their Controls with Remote Sensing (CwRS) programme. Acquiring a total of 361,991 square kilometres, this is the fourth year