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The Rise of Elevation Data - What is a DEM and Which Solution is Best for You?

The world exists in three dimensions and often, so does satellite imagery.
But with so many types of Digital Elevation Models, each created via different collection and processing methods and sold in a variety of formats, it can be hard to make sense of it all and know what’s right for your application.

We explore the different types of elevation models and which solutions currently on the market meet your project’s requirements.


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The Successful Launch of Maxar’s WorldView Legion and the Impact on European EO Applications

The first four long awaited WorldView Legion Satellites are now orbiting Earth. What does this mean for space-based remote sensing projects around Europe? In this webinar, EUSI is joined by representatives from Maxar Technologies. We discuss the unique technology within these satellites and how this significant increase in capacity of 8-band multispectral 30 cm class imagery is already poised to impact ongoing projects and increased demand across all sectors including Large Area Mapping, Security, Emergency Response, Agriculture and Research/Education.

MGP Pro Demonstration

Instant access to VHR satellite imagery via web or API. European Space Imaging recently recorded